Vystavené diela / Exhibited Works
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Matúš Hečko, vystupujúci pod pracovným menom sochavdreve.sk, sa narodil v Trnave (1978), pretože najbližšiu pôrodnicu práve líčili. Matúš mal plán: S 9 ženami odletí do vesmíru. Užil si jeden rok psychiatrie v „jašárni“, kým sa konečne dal na výtvarnícku činnosť, kde cíti absolútnu neviazanú slobodu. Mal šťastie na skvelých pedagógov: Čuteka a Sedláčka, čo mu umožnilo venovať sa svojmu obľúbenému žánru – drevorezbe. Tej sa venuje dodnes, pretože sa stal doživotne závislým na vôni dreva. Jeho tvorbu tvoria „prevažne baby“, ktoré obveseľujú obývačky ich majiteľov a jeho ateliér. Túto výstavu mu pomáha zrealizovať platforma HendiKup.sk, ktorá združuje umelcov a tvorcov so zdravotným znevýhodnením, ktorej je šťastným členom.
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Matúš Hečko, operating under the professional name sochavdreve.sk, was born in Trnava in 1978 because the nearest maternity hospital was being repainted at the time. Matúš had a plan: to travel to space with 9 women. He spent a year in psychiatry in the „jašáreň“ before finally pursuing artistic activities, where he feels absolute unbridled freedom. He was fortunate to have excellent teachers, Čutek and Sedláček, who enabled him to dedicate himself to his favorite genre – wood carving. He continues to engage in this craft to this day, having become lifelongly addicted to the scent of wood. His work mainly consists of creating sculptures of „babes,“ which brighten the living rooms of their owners and his studio. This exhibition is brought to life with the help of the HendiKup.sk platform, which supports artists and creators with disabilities, of which he is a proud member.
- 1.8.2024 – 31.8.2024 – Apollo Nivy