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We are different, because


Artists and manufacturers at HendiKup are people with disabilities from Slovakia.


We help our manufacturers in micro-entrepreneurship – from portfolios to logistics.


We create a positive image of people with disabilities, raising awareness in society.


We ensure that our manufacturers strive to minimize their environmental impact by carefully selecting their materials.

Today we introduce

Soňa Zelisková

Na hrnčiarskom kruhu vytočím svoj svet.

Obchod predajcu >

Adrianka Bérešová

nádherné a voňavé sviečky, pletené šály a deky a farebné lepené mandaly

Obchod predajcu >
Proceeds from the sale of HendiKup e-shop products will be used to financially support our artists and artisans, as well as to further develop the HendiKup.sk project.

Who we are and how it works

We are innovators, activists, wheelchair users, volunteers… basically people who strive to raise awareness and create a better world with concrete solutions to support people with disabilities.

Wrote about us

Will you support HendiKup too?

We are here – from creating portfolios, blogs, photographing and presenting, to selling and picking up products. We overcome not only metaphorical but also physical barriers. However, we cannot do it alone. The operation of our organization is currently financially dependent on 2% tax donations and sponsorships. Therefore, every bit of help matters, and we are grateful for it.



We are not defined by our ``disability,`` but by who we are and what we can achieve.